Hula Mineral Processing (Hula) is a 100% black owned and managed engineering company dealing with outsourced operation and maintenance of mineral processing plants on processing coal, chrome, iron ore, gold and PGM's to mention a few.
The company was formed in 2007 and within 3 years in operation, it has successfully embarked on challenging and exciting maintenance and operation projects within the Limpopo province of South Africa. As entrepreneurs in the field of engineering, we realized that the engineering industry needs special attention in our country, and that there is a low participation of black people in the industry.
Hence, one of the main reasons behind the formation of the company was to attract more black professionals into the field of engineering and to offer competent services in the operation and maintenance of mineral processing plants. The strategic approach taken into forming a multidisciplinary engineering company was to create and integrate business units which will enhance growth through the diversification strategy.